23 June |
6/23 |
時間Time |
議題Topics |
主講人Speakers |
8:40-9:10 |
報到、領取資料、入座Registration |
9:10-9:30 |
(Opening, address) |
1.臺北市立動物園園長 2.林務局
1. Taipei Zoo 2. Forestry Bureau |
開幕演講 Opening Speech (主持人:李玲玲Moderator: Ling-Ling Lee) |
9:30-10:10 |
Conservation status and reintroduction of the Eurasian otter in Europe 歐洲水獺保育現況和再引入 |
Addy de Jongh and Elena Nesterko Dutch Otterstation Foundation Addy De Jongh and Elena Nesterko 荷蘭水獺基金會
10:10-10:40 |
團體照 & 茶敘Group Photo & Coffee Break |
議題 I Session I (主持人:王穎Moderator:Ying Wang) |
10:40-11:20 |
Distribution and conservation status of Eurasian otter in Kinmen Islands
金門歐亞水獺分布和保育現況 |
Ling-Ling Lee Taiwan University 李玲玲 臺灣大學 |
11:20-12:00 |
Conservation of the Eurasian otter
(Lutra lutra) in Korea
韓國歐亞水獺保育現況和野放 |
Sungyong Han Korean Otter Research Center 韓盛鏞 韓國水獺研究中心
12:00-13:30 |
中場交流與討論 Discussion |
議題 II Session II (主持人:林良恭 Moderator:Liang-Kong Lin)
13:30-14:10 |
Field research, Rehabilitation, Release and Breeding of Small Arid Zone Wild Cat Species 乾燥地區小型野貓野外研究、 收容野放和繁殖 |
Alexander Sliwa Cologne Zoo Alexander Sliwa 科隆動物園 |
14:10-14:50 |
Ex Situ Conservation of Tsushima Leopard Cat By The Cooperation With JAZA And MOE
Hidemasa Hori Inokashira Park Zoo 堀秀正 井之頭動物公園 |
14:50-15:20 |
Artificial Breeding in The Amur and
The Tsushima Leopard Cat
對馬山貓的人工繁殖 |
Madoka Yoshizawa TamaZoological Park 吉澤円 多摩動物公園
15:20-15:40 |
茶敘 Group Photo & Coffee Break |
議題 III Session III (主持人:于宏燦 Moderator:Hon-Tsen Yu) |
15:40-16:20 |
Common Palm Civet (Paradoxurus musanga) Relocation and Rehabilitation: A Conservation Project by Night Safari
新加坡夜間動物園保育計畫 |
Cecilia Tang
Wildlife Reserves Singapore
Cecilia Tang
新加坡野生動物保護區 |
16:20-16:50 |
From ex-situ to in-situ Conservation: a Case Study of Leopard Cat in Taiwan
臺灣石虎:從域外保育到域內保育 |
Yu-Hsiu Lin
Endemic Species Research Institute
特有生物研究保育中心 |
16:50-17:10 |
交流與討論 Discussion |